ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Mayank Chauhan
Research Article
Extraction and Optimization of Natural Colour from Ratanjyot, Its Application and Acceptance in Toffees
Author(s): Mayank Chauhan, Mohammad Ali Khan, Abhaya Kumar Srivastava and Insha Zahoor
Mayank Chauhan, Mohammad Ali Khan, Abhaya Kumar Srivastava and Insha Zahoor
A study was under taken for extraction and optimization of biocolour extracted from Ratanjyot and its acceptance in toffees. The optimization of extracting condition for extracted colour was done by using response surface methodology (RSM). The optimum time and temperature for the extraction of dye was obtained as 112 min and 38.8°C. The average particle size of powdered Ratanjyot was 0.1655 mm. The biocolour was extracted by using hexane as solvent. Then, four samples of toffees (C, S1, S2 and S3) were prepared by incorporating different concentration of Ratanjyot colour. The pH, fat, browning index, reducing sugars and total sugars were increased with increasing concentration of biocolour at fresh level. Hardness and stickness was also increased. The moisture content of all the samples decreased with increasing concentration. L* and b* values of samples were decreased and a* val.. View More»