ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Gabriela Morgado de Oliveira Coelho
Nutrition Institute, Nutrition Institute,
n.159, Barra da Tijuca - CEP: 22631-180 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ –
Research Article
Attitudes of Foodservice Users in Relation to Soybean and its Derivatives
in Brazil
Author(s): Silvia Magalhães Couto, Gabriela Morgado de Oliveira Coelho, Marina de Figueiredo Ferreira, Haydée Serrão Lanzillotti and Regina Serrão LanzillottiSilvia Magalhães Couto, Gabriela Morgado de Oliveira Coelho, Marina de Figueiredo Ferreira, Haydée Serrão Lanzillotti and Regina Serrão Lanzillotti
The attitudes of Foodservice users towards soybeans and their derivatives were investigated. A Likert scale questionnaire was created based on the proposal by Behrens & Da Silva. Statistical analyses included position and dispersion measures, frequency distribution, normality test, Spearman’s correlation coefficient and Cronbach’s alpha (α=0.96). The questionnaire was answered by 89 workers from the steel industry. The results revealed that soybean consumers do not read labels to identify its presence. When asked about soybean’s nutritional quality, respondents recognized that it has a high protein quantity and that it is a functional food as a hormonal substitute in menopause and a regulator of intestine functions, but they did not recognize its role in bone tissue formation. Because they were unaware of issues related to genetically modified foods, they d.. View More»