ISSN: 2155-9600
+32 25889658
Alvaro L. Ronco
Accepted Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci
Certain dietary elements influencing during years on a human organism are partially responsible for developing a cancer. Those actions could continue taking place if patients do not modify their usual intakes. Recent scientific studies are showing improvements of disease-free and overall survival in cancer patients when certain nutritional guidelines involving diet and management of overweight are followed. Our objective is to perform a nutritional reprogramming oriented to reduce the probabilities of cancer recurrence. In other words, moving in a tailored way the exposure of putative risk and protective factors to the lowest possible risk level, in order to improve the prognosis. We propose a strategy, based on items drawn from local case-control studies, including among others: intake of red and white meat, dairy foods, oils and fats, vegetables and fruits; fat-to-muscle ratio; serum vitamin D. A low risk value is assigned depending on the variable nature and its risk association of selected cancers (colorectum, breast, prostate). Cut-off points used for classification might represent population-specific features. The strategy attempts to modify dietary Ω-6/Ω-3 fatty acids ratio, body composition and other relevant nutritional features in order to improve the patient?s hormonal, metabolic and immunity status. Methodology seems to be feasible elsewhere from a practical viewpoint. Each country or region could construct its own reference values. Instead of giving inaccurate recommendations, we give guidelines which are based on selected items of population-specific data. We intend to change inadequate nutritional patterns into adequate ones, in order to make feasible subsequent changes of the prognosis.
Alvaro Ronco obtained his M.D. at the State University of Uruguay in 1986. Specialized in Cancer Registries, he worked during 1992-2004 as Vice- Director of the National Cancer Registry of Uruguay, focusing mainly in epidemiologic research on nutrition and cancer. Since then he has been working mainly on nutrition and breast cancer, at the Pereira Rossell Women?s Hospital in Montevideo. Since 2008 he is Associated Professor of Cancer Epidemiology at the IUCLAEH School of Medicine (Maldonado, Uruguay). Since 2003 Dr. Ronco belongs to the Group of Opinion Leaders, in the field of Breast Cancer Epidemiology of the SIS (Senologic International Society, Strasbourg). Seven times he was awarded by the National Academy of Medicine of Uruguay. Author/coauthor of more than 200 scientific works, with ca. 130 papers in specialized international journals of epidemiology, cancer and nutrition, this researcher published Nutritional Epidemiology of Breast Cancer (Springer 2011), the first book in the world on this particular field.