Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9600

+32 25889658

Deal with obesity prescription: Body, mind and right food

19th International Congress on Nutrition & Health

April 12-14, 2018 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sandra Gordilho

Clinica Elementhare, Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci

Abstract :

Obesity is a disease that in all world comes with a lot of problems as high cholesterol, morbidity, heart problems, depression, cellulite, high triglycerides, anxious, diabetes, acne polycystic ovaries, and in most of time you have malnutrition associate with low vitamin C, B6 or D. Beyond the weight, there is a lot of bad feelings, and though that they cannot be happy or be loved if they don't be lose weight. So, obesity, it's not just a body problem, they think that they lost the power of self-control, it's not just food is the compulsion to eat emotions, unfulfilled wishes. There is no secret to choose good and healthy food, the problem is the power of bad habits. People are forgetting that only drugs does not do any kind of miracle. The Obesity disease is easy to treat, the difficult is treating the patient's mind. The treatment has to be in all ways, like psychology, exercise, nutrition reeducation, use of some minerals in prescription, diagnostic of disbiose, anemia, insulin pos-prandial, low metabolism, high cholesterol, low vitamin D, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, liver steatosis, low vitamin C, dose of tyroid hormones, serotonin levels and all the metabolism. First of all, it's important to do the body composition, how much fat in percentage or kilos? in what part of body? To indicate a better sport activity to him, Does the patient is retaining water? And, how about the muscle? After listening your patient, ask for a food registration for five days, try to discover what he likes or when he eats wrong. Prescribe what is low like iron? Vitamin C, D3? if ferritin is to high prescribe L glutamine, if has disciose, use probiotics,or insuline resistence use chromium quelade,If he has esteatose think about milk thistle,if the tiroid it's not working well you can prescribe biological identical hormones. And the magic is when you can do a pleasure menu with real food,without guilty. There is a secret in avoid hight index glicemic,balance and combine the food is the better thing,do not cut down everything that the patient likes. In the morning the first thing is a green drink,because of the fasting the body will absorve every nutrients a good choice is apple, beet, carrot, ginger, orange. Use whole grains,whole wheat,bronw rice,barley especially in their less processed forms. Try to avoid all kind of processed food, soft drinks, refined grains, sweeteners, white sugar, avoid hight index glycemic,just real food will help educate the palate. Prefere fruits instead of juice there is more fiber; don��?t stay more than 3 hours without eating; Forget fast food; Don't skipping breakfast. Avoid fat, chips, high protein diets tend to be low in carboidryte,try the low fat ones like fish, eggs, yogurt fat free, almond milk, cashews, will help the muscle and control the high level of insulin. Reseach shows that good food and diet patterns protect against a lot of diseases, also seem to help with weight control.The mediterranean style diet is great! fish,whole grains,fruits and nuts, Remenber that good fat is important too like avocado,salmon,raw olive oil and others. The exercise is amasing to lose weight just 30 minutes four times a week,increase metabolism and high the levels of serotonin.

Biography :

Sandra Gordilho is M.D Endocrinologist, Nutrology, Orthomolecular and Pos graduate in Aesthetical Medicine, participates consecutively of Seminars and the USA, France, Brazil studied in Mayo Hospital and has been working in her own Clinic Elementhare. Author of two books publicated in 4Th edition in Brazil.
