Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9600

+32 25889658

AHH: Review on the emerging role of the art of holistic healing to upscale functionality and prevent diseases

World Congress on Nutraceuticals and Natural Medicine

October 22-23, 2018 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Anu Aggarwal

Anu Aggarwal Foundation, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nutr Food Sci

Abstract :

AHH is a unique blend of Vedic formula and non-chemical methods. Currently, this knowledge is not included in the existing pharmaceutical field. We focus on the biopsychic and mento-physical fields of the patients. This intervention uses thousands of combinations and amalgamation of ancient Vedic science with successful research methods of modern neuroscience and encourages patients to explore and understand the perception of their emotional triggers in the brain�??s emotional centers while learning to label their PFC, prefrontal cortex and its responses to stimuli and learns to redefine emotional threats as an opportunity to promote emotional clarity and PFC activation. Neuroscience autopilot training of the brain is responsible for unexpected changes to turn stressful situations to successful positive growth by penetrating deep to reach the nerve centers, root energy zones of the human complex, to awaken/stimulate clear energy blockages that eventually pertain to the chemicals let out in the body by thoughts and activities apart from incidents and accidents; to activate positive stimuli to provide more intense neural fingerprints for better response to threatening social situations and; deep psychic relaxation (DPR) countered sleep-apnea to accelerate, maximize potential and perform better. Psychology, parapsychology, socioeconomic, psychosocial statuses were assessed first with their diet and lifestyle to recommend a treatment. AHH is a tailor-made regards to the individual or the community in threat. Vedic mantra�??s sound therapy helped to connect with universal higher healing frequencies in the atmospheric vibrations the special music soothed and calmed; helped inner nurturing through mindfulness based cognitive therapy, MBSR, on the impact on the alpha waves in the brain. Riding the mind of mental defilements through compassion meditation reduced anxiety, depression and improved attention control while boosting the external wellbeing of the community. The age-old belief that �??the disease or dis-ease starts inside and therein lies a preventive cure for it�??, works. The intense effect of positive psychology to �??heal and for better life�?? by feeding the brain with positive affirmations. AHH has been successful in boosting performance, treating depression, de-stressing challenged children, women and adults neurologically of more than 12000 people so far and the list is growing.

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