ISSN: 2161-0665
+44 1478 350008
Saugata Ray
Case Report
Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Life Expectancy: Has Survival Improved Over Time?
Author(s): Saugata Ray, Shelly Chatterjee and Pilar Ruiz-LozanoSaugata Ray, Shelly Chatterjee and Pilar Ruiz-Lozano
Purpose: The management and treatment of cerebral palsy (CP) presents a challenge despite advancements in nutrition and feeding as well as the management of bronchopulmonary complications and disorders. Relative poorer survival has been observed among CP children and has been associated with intellectual and motor impairments as markers of disease severity and hence excess mortality. However it is unclear if the advancement in treatment parallels survival of these patients. This systematic review is aimed to examine whether or not survival has improved over time,
comparing before and after the year 2000.
Materials and methods: We utilized a systematic review design to search literature published between 1966 and 2012. The search terms used were “cerebral palsy and mortality”, “cerebral palsy and survival”, “cerebral palsy geography”, &.. View More»