Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene

Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene
Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2059

+44 1478 350008

2021 Conference Announcement - (2020)Volume 5, Issue 1

Role of animal resources in reducing malnutrition in Red Sea and North Darfur states

Nawal Nour EM*
*Correspondence: Nawal Nour EM, University of Khartoum, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan,

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This paper aimed to concert effort of the Ministry of Animal resources, to alleviate poverty and malnutrition in Red sea & North Darfur states. The livestock sector is a major resource for states and localities budgets, it contribute to agriculture operations by providing Organic fertilizers. In addition to the provision of red meat, fishes, poultries, milk and eggs for Self-sufficiency, it also contributes to the hide & skin manufactures and offer employment opportunities to about 46% of the populations of Sudan.

If food security is defined as access to enough food for an active healthy life", and can briefly be defined as (ensured access to food enough by all people at all times for a healthy and an active life), livestock can make a major contribution. Eating a small amount of animal products corrects amino acid deficiencies in cereal-based human diets; the livestock sector is the basis for achieving food security. Characteristics of the traditional farming system in Sudan are low Input and low productivity.

The farmers raise the indigenous breeds and feed them by local available feed resources. The formulated action plan consisted of; establishment of small farms (camel-cattlesheep- goat-poultry and fish) in all localities to fulfill deficient nutrient and the implementation of extension programs to explain right method of nutrition from available food and create local market to sell these products (milk- cheese- butter-yoghurt-chickens-eggs-meat and skin products) in the nearest city.

The annual animal products estimated as 1450.000 tons of meat, 4350.000 tons of milk, 80.000 tons of fisheries, 45.000 tons of poultry meat and 40.000 tons of eggs. The average consumption of the animal products for individuals in Sudan per year estimated as 27 kg from red meat , 57 kg from milk, 2kg from poultry meat one kg from fish and egg. The farmers used to raise the indigenous breeds and feed them by local available feed resources.

In this feeding system, the productivity is low but the profit is sustainable for the poor farmers even in unstable market. Livestock production is important sector for job in rural areas. Its advantages are its low input using simple housing, better use of household’s labor, effective use of local available feed resources and simple management that is easy to learn.

It also contribute to agriculture by providing Organic fertilizer In addition to the provision of red meat, fishes, poultries, milk and eggs for Self-sufficiency and contributes to the hide & skin manufactures. The general goal is to enhance rural development, Improve the life of the livelihood, and Poverty alleviation through restocking, and optimal utilization of natural fisheries particularly in Red Sea state to solve malnutrition and stunting growth in both states through implementation of livestock restocking projects.

The intervention required by the Ministry of Animal Resources is the implementation of both livestock policies, and food security projects such as, dairy, poultry farm, and meat production.

Restocking with small ruminant and distributing poultry to increase milk, meat and egg production will improve food security and build livelihood resilience to the people affected with conflict and stunting growth.

Livestock contribute to food supply by converting low-value materials, inedible or unpalatable for people, into milk, meat, and eggs. Livestock decrease food supply by competing with people for food, especially grains fed to goat and poultry. Currently, livestock supply 13% of energy to the world’s diet but consume one-half the world’s production of grains. However, livestock directly contribute to nutrition security. Milk, meat, and eggs, the “animalsource foods,” though expensive sources of energy, are one of the best sources of high quality protein and micronutrients that are essential for normal development and good health.

Nevertheless, poor people tend to sell rather than consume the animal-source foods that they produce. Livestock have the potential to be transformative: by enhancing food and nutrition security, and by providing income to pay for education and other needs, livestock can enable poor children to develop into healthy, well-educated, productive adults

When we speak of the role of poultry meat and egg production in improving food security, we refer to the very low-input poultry production that is typically found in villages. Obviously, there are forms of production that involve more input of resources. Several attempts have made to define the characteristics of different poultry production systems, and distinguished the following types of smallholder poultry production:

The scavenging system – a form of production characterized by low inputs, with birds allowed wandering freely and scavenging for all or most of their food. The free-range system – in which poultry are provided with some supplementary feed, nighttime housing and, occasionally, water, and the semi-commercial system – in which poultry is provide with feed and water and kept in fenced-in areas.

We recommend improved policy and institutional environment for food and nutrition security and programming – through capacity development, enhanced coordination and better-informed decision-making, knowledge management and sharing systems.

In addition to enhancing production, productivity and competitiveness of the crops, livestock and forestry subsectors and agricultural climate change adaptation. Management of natural resource and livelihoods, food security and nutrition response, protection and recovery and national, regional and international control lot of thetas to Sudanese food chains and genetic improvement, conservation and sustainable use of local animal breeds in Red sea and north Darfur state. Support for mapping existing programs/interventions for food and nutrition security, and research on causal analysis of malnutrition (linked with national food consumption surveys) is key.

We stress the importance of activating the multispectral plan and coordination with all sectors as well as activating role of the Senate Council for Food Security, and supporting the projects of productive families, genetic improvement and conservation of genetic components to increase production and productivity.

  • 9th International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science & Technology,
    March 18-19, 2020
    London, UK

Author Info

Nawal Nour EM*
University of Khartoum, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan

Received: 24-Jul-2020 Accepted: 28-Jul-2020 Published: 01-Sep-2020

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