ISSN: 2476-2059
+44 1478 350008
Association between ochratoxin A concentration and coffee beans characteristics
Anoop Kumar Agarwal, Lama M D Sibai and Ramalingam P
Microbiological quality evaluation of the commercialized raw cows milk in sale
Horia Radid and Samira Senouci
Investigation of fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from swine feces in Korea
Kun Taek Park, Yoon Sung Hu, Sook Shin, Soo Jin Yang and Yong Ho Park
Isolation and molecular characterization of Salmonella enterica strains from poultry in Trinidad
Nitu Kumar, Abiodun Adesiyun, Krishna Mohan, Richard J Brindle and Francis Dziva
Hye-Young Park, Sheen Hee Kim, Seung a Jeong and Gil Jin Kang
Simultaneous analysis of β-phenyl ethyl amine derivatives in food and dietary supplements
Yongwoo Shin
Heavy metals and caffeine levels in honey of different origin available in UAE
Victor Raj Mohan Chandrasekaran, Anoud Ahmed Al Saadi, Anoop Kumar Agarwal and Razia Khanam
Anna Chizhayeva, Galina Dudikova and Alma Amangeldi
The economic consequences of poor soil health in vineyard properties around the world
Mark Norman
Microbiological quality of street food sold in Sicily-Italy
Ziino Graziella, Giarratana Filippo, Infantino Giovanni and Giuffrida Alessandro
The food in your establishment is only as safe as the culture you create
Chris Hill
Importance of proficiency testing and reference materials in food analysis: New opportunities
B J Desai
Hunger and social food justice
Junheng Sun
Meena Goswami Awasthi, B D Sharma, S K Mendiratta and Vikas Pathak
Characterization of exopolysaccharides produced by probiotics lactic acid bacteria
Akansha M Milap
Oluwatola Folaranmi Adigun, F O Fasina, A K Gelaw, N Gcebe and A A Adesiyun
Development of automatic sesame grain grading system using image processing techniques
Hiwot Desta Alemayehu
Mycotoxin contamination of baby foods in tropical climes, implications and way forward
Anumudu Christian Kosisochukwu