ISSN: 2161-0517
+44 1223 790975
Valdés OR
Research Article
Influenza's Response to Climatic Variability in the Tropical Climate: Case Study Cuba
Author(s): Vega YL, Paulo LB, Acosta BH, Valdés OR, Borroto SG, Arencibia AG, González GB and MarÃÂa GGVega YL, Paulo LB, Acosta BH, Valdés OR, Borroto SG, Arencibia AG, González GB and MarÃa GG
Background: Increase of climatic variability is influencing the behavior of influenza that causes acute respiratory infections.
Objective: To determine the mechanisms of influenza response to climate variability.
Methods: An ecological study with retrospective analysis of time series of Influenza and climatic, combined with the techniques of exploratory data analysis and correlation analysis with and without delay was performed. Influenza data (2010-2017) and climatic anomalies described by the Bultó climatic indexes were considered. For trend the Spearman and Kendall-Mannt coefficients were used. Cluster analysis of months and regions of Influenza was used. Kriging method combined with the inverse distance at 20 km2 and weight matrix by the "queen" method of second order of contiguity was used, the spat.. View More»