Journal of Horticulture

Journal of Horticulture
Open Access

ISSN: 2376-0354


Sobhan Kumar Mukherjee

  • Short Communication
    Cypselar Anatomy of Two Species of the Tribe Anthemideae, Family Asteraceae
    Author(s): Sourav Paul and Sobhan Kumar Mukherjee Sourav Paul and Sobhan Kumar Mukherjee

    The family Compositae is the largest and most successful among the angiosperms because of its adaptability in wide variety of ecological habitats and the family owes its biological and commercial success to certain morphological, anatomical and physiological characters in their flowers and fruits. The tribe Anthemideae is one of the most primitive tribe of the Asteraceae. The anatomical features of the species have been investigated to establish their potential usefulness in taxonomy. This study is important for showing how the family owes its biological and commercial success to certain morphological, anatomical and physiological characters in their flowers and fruits. The significant anatomical features of cypselas are cypselar shape in T.S., cypselar cuticle, ribs or elevations no., size of the ribs, thickness of cypselar wall (in μm) at ribs and furrow, pericarp thickness (in &.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2376-0354.1000203

    Abstract PDF

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