ISSN: 2165-7890
Peterson RE
Research Article
Evolution and Preliminary Testing of a Hyperoxic Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Author(s): Peterson RE and Allen MWPeterson RE and Allen MW
The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) comprises a range of developmental disabilities, the established prevalence of which has been increasing globally. Despite decades of research, however, ASD is still not well understood and a generally accepted intervention or group of interventions which consistently and comprehensively address the spectrum of needs has not yet been identified or developed. Thus, in seeking a solution to their children's conditions, some parents have felt compelled to try complementary and alternative medical treatments.One such intervention that has attracted some advocates is off-label hyperbaric oxygen therapy. In examining the data for this application, we were struck by the wide range of oxygen partial pressures reported to have benefit and the fact that many could be easily provided at normobaric pressure. As we knew of no reason for the us.. View More»