ISSN: 2155-9570
+44 1223 790975
Jimmy Stehberg
Review Article
Connexin in Lens Physiology and Cataract Formation
Author(s): Mauricio A. Retamal, Carmen G. León-Paravic, Christian A. Verdugo, Constanza A. Alcaino, Rodrigo Moraga-Amaro and Jimmy StehbergMauricio A. Retamal, Carmen G. León-Paravic, Christian A. Verdugo, Constanza A. Alcaino, Rodrigo Moraga-Amaro and Jimmy Stehberg
Connexins are a family of proteins that forms hemichannels that communicate the cytoplasm with the extracellular space. When two hemichannels [each one from two neighboring cells] make contact, they form a gap junction channel, which communicates the cytoplasm of adjacent cells. The molecular mechanisms that control the opening and closing of both functional hemichannels and gap junction channels is still matter of intense scrutiny. The lens is a transparent structure located in the anterior segment of the eye, which is critical for normal vision. Its main function is to refract the light, focusing it on the retina. Given this function, the lens requires great transparency and homogeneity which are attained by being avascular to avoid light scattering. To compensate for the lack of blood vessels, lens cells have intercellular connections formed by gap junction channels, which allow pa.. View More»