ISSN: 2155-9570
+44 1223 790975
Jess T Whitson
Research Article
Dallas Glaucoma Registry: Preliminary Results
Author(s): Karanjit S. Kooner, Arun Joseph, Adam Shar, Francisco A Marquardt, Mohannad AlBdoor, Byung J. Cho, Jess T Whitson, Nalini Aggarwal and Beverley Adams-HuetKaranjit S. Kooner, Arun Joseph, Adam Shar, Francisco A Marquardt, Mohannad AlBdoor, Byung J. Cho, Jess T Whitson, Nalini Aggarwal and Beverley Adams-Huet
Background: Although glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness worldwide, yet there are no large databases where risk factors, current management options and outcomes may be evaluated. With this concept in mind, Dallas Glaucoma Registry was established to focus on an ethnically mixed North Texas population. Methods: This is a retrospective, chart review of 2,484 patients (4,839 eyes) with glaucoma from three clinics. Data collected included: age, race, gender, intraocular pressure, visual acuity, central corneal thickness, cup-to-disk ratio, extent of visual field damage, glaucoma diagnoses, medical and surgical therapies. Results: The most prevalent glaucoma was primary open angle glaucoma accounting for 44.4% of patients, followed by glaucoma suspect (39.5%), secondary glaucoma (7.2%), angle clos.. View More»