ISSN: 2155-9570
Adnan Hashim
Eye Department, Rotherham General Hospital, Rotherham, United Kingdom
He have worked as a consultant Ophthalmologist since 1997 developing my interest in cataract & refractive surgery. Later on, he took a special interest in paediatric ophthalmology particularly disorders of ocular motility (squints in children) and its orthoptic and surgical management.
In July 2005, he started his substantive post as a consultant ophthalmic surgeon at the eye department in Rotherham General Hospital. He is keen to develop and maintain a high standard of clinical care in my special interests to the benefit of the Rotherham and adjacent communities.
He has particular academic interest in teaching medical students in the education programmes for local GPs and other public organisations.
cataract & refractive surgery, pediatric ophthlamology