Advances in dairy Research

Advances in dairy Research
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ISSN: 2329-888X

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Short Communication - (2021)Volume 9, Issue 10

Cheese Supplements and their Applications

Rakshitha Kotha*
*Correspondence: Rakshitha Kotha, Department of Biochemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, Tel: +32-466-90-05-61, Email:

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Short Communication

Cheese supplements and their applications
Cheese is the best calcium source in the diet: Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is required for survival. Vascular function, neuron transmission, muscle function, and hormone release are all regulated by it. Only 1% of the calcium in the body is required for these tasks; the remaining 99% is stored in the bones.
Cheese is a fantastic protein source: Protein is essential in our diets since it is responsible for the development, regulation, repair, and protection of the body. It also gives you a strong immune system, good hair, and proper fluid balance in your body. You run the risk of fluid retention and muscle shrinking if you don't eat enough protein.
Vitamin B12 is abundant in cheese: Vitamin B-12 (also known as Co-balamin) is the world's largest and most complicated vitamin. It improves various mental health processes while also assisting in the creation of red blood cells, protein, and DNA. Vitamin B-12 anaemia, also known as pernicious anaemia, is caused by a deficiency that can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, and, in extreme cases, neurological impairment.
CLA, an essential fat is found in cheese: CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a complicated molecule that often underappreciated. Because of the low-fat, no-fat diet trend, most Americans consume relatively little CLA. It's an important "good" fat found in dairy and meat, primarily from grass-fed cows, sheep, and goats.
Cheese can help you avoid osteoporosis
As youngsters, our parents constantly encouraged us to drink milk, claiming that the calcium and vitamin D would help us grow strong bones. The truth is that our bone mass grows during childhood and adolescence, peaking at the age of 30. The ageing process then starts to thin our bones over time. It's clear that the higher your bone density is now, the less impact ageing will have on your skeletal integrity.
Cheese has a beneficial effect on dental health
According to a study conducted by dental professionals, eating cheese may help to reduce dental cavities. The pH balance in various locations of their mouths was evaluated before and after eating of milk, sugar-free yoghurt, paraffin, and cheese in four groups. A pH of less than 5.5 puts your teeth at danger of erosion from acids produced in your mouth. The pH levels of the groups who drank milk and ate paraffin and sugar-free yoghurt did not alter significantly, while the group who ate cheese did.
Consumption of cheese can assist you in gaining weight in a healthy manner
To the majority of people, the prospect of gaining weight is not appealing. Weight growth is a need for some people for a variety of reasons. According to their paediatrician, actors and sportsmen may need to bulk up for an upcoming role or game season, or a child may be underweight for their age.
There is a proper and wrong approach to gain weight for those who want to do so. You don't want to jeopardise your health by eating the wrong meals. Cheese is an excellent way to gain weight in a healthy way because of its fat and protein content, as well as the vitamins and minerals it contains.
The immune system benefits from cheese
Immunoesenescene is a disease that attacks the immune system of the aged, causing it to deteriorate. It makes their systems less capable of fighting malignant cells and responding to immunizations and vaccines, making them more vulnerable to cancer and infectious diseases.
Cheese lowers blood pressure and can help reverse hypertension
There has been evidence of a relationship between a dairy-rich diet and decreased blood pressure. The higher calcium consumption is thought to be the root cause. A study was conducted in which two groups were tested: one that ate only fruits and vegetables and the other that ate low-fat dairy products. It was discovered that the dairy-eating group had lower blood pressure overall.
Common cancers can be prevented with cheese
There's no denying it:
cancer is prevalent among our people. Colorectal cancer, which affects the colon and digestive tract, is one of the most frequent cancers worldwide. Colorectal cancer has a number of consequences, including stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, and rectal bleeding, all of which can lead to death if left untreated.

Author Info

Rakshitha Kotha*
Department of Biochemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Citation: Rakshitha K (2021) Cheese Supplements and their Applications. J Adv Dairy.10:588.

Received: 08-Oct-2021 Accepted: 22-Oct-2021 Published: 29-Oct-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2329-888X.21.9.588

Copyright: ©2021 Rakshitha K. This is an open access article distributed under the term of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
