ISSN: 2155-6148
Rudin Domi
Rudin Domi
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
"Mother Teresa" University Hospital Center Tirana
Tel: 00355682067003
Associated Professor of Anesthesiology Rudin Domi has received his PhD in Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana, Albania, during the period of 2007-2010. Currently, he is working as attending anesthesiologist in Mother Teresa’ University Hospital Centre. His research has included prediction of difficult intubation, anesthesia for adrenal gland surgery, anesthesia for chronic renal disease patient undergoing urological surgery, current cardiac problems during major urological surgery, renal protection, anesthesia for obese patient, post cardiac surgical care, invasive monitoring, and intensive care medicine. He is serving as an editorial member of Global Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology & expert Reviewers for journals Local and regional anesthesia, Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, International Journal of General Medicine, and Saudi Medical Journal. He has authored 20 original/review articles and a chapter in the book “Obesity epidemic”, iConcept Press, ISBN 978-14775549-6-8. He is a member of European Society of Anesthesiolgists.
Prediction of difficult intubation, Anesthesia for adrenal gland surgery, Anesthesia for chronic renal disease patient undergoing urological surgery, Current cardiac problems during major urological surgery, Renal protection, Anesthesia for obese patient, Post cardiac surgical care, Invasive monitoring, and Intensive care medicine.