ISSN: 2329-8790
+44 1478 350008
Kai Zacharowski
Short Communication
Tracking Syngeneic Leukocytes after Transfusion of Non-leukoreduced Blood in a Murine Model
Author(s): Dania Fischer, Julian Büssow, Patrick Meybohm, Kai Zacharowski, Patrick Paulus and Carla JenneweinDania Fischer, Julian Büssow, Patrick Meybohm, Kai Zacharowski, Patrick Paulus and Carla Jennewein
Objective: Several Western European countries and Canada have introduced white blood cell reduction as a universal standard to prevent potential adverse effects of allogeneic blood transfusions. However, there is an ongoing controversy regarding its appropriateness in other countries such as North America. We were interested in the whereabouts of leukocytes following whole blood transfusion in mice to evaluate their potential sites of (adverse) action.
Materials and methods: Wildtype C57BL/6 were transfused with non-leukoreduced blood from enhanced green fluorescent protein transgenic C57BL/6-Tg(CAGEGFP) 1 Osb/J mice. Cells were tracked on day 3 and day 5 after transfusion by flow cytometry.
Results: Enhanced green fluorescent protein-labeled leukocytes were found in the blood circ.. View More»