ISSN: 2155-6148
Ayça özcan
Case Report
Mask Phenomenon Following Robot-assisted Prostatectomy: A Rare
Complication due to Trendelenburg Position
Author(s): Ezgi Erkiliç, Cihan döger, Ayça özcan, Cem soykut and Elvin kesimci
Ezgi Erkiliç, Cihan döger, Ayça özcan, Cem soykut and Elvin kesimci
increased number of cases have enabled the ability to observe rare complications in addition to common complications. In the current case, the authors aimed to present a benign, but rare, anesthetic complication, the “mask phenomenon,” which was induced by bronchospasm and severe cough developing on the basis of facial edema that occurred in the steep Trendelenburg position. This paper not only reports the importance of early recognition of complications of steep Trendelenburg for anesthesiologists; but also serves as a reminder to physicians caring for postanesthesia patients in the surgical ward after robotic surgery.
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