The autism-camel connection: How a mother, a son and a camel help | 35732
Autism-Open Access

Autism-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7890

+44 1223 790975

The autism-camel connection: How a mother, a son and a camel helped unify the autism world and inspire a global industry

2nd International Conference on Autism

September 15-16, 2016 Phoenix, USA

Christina Adams

Former National Public Radio commentator and Author, USA

Keynote: Autism Open Access

Abstract :

With camel milk trending in the Huffington Post, Christina Adams MFA, an international speaker with a compelling personal story, is available; â�?�?The unofficial spokesperson for camel milkâ�? Good magazine. Since author Christina Adams began investigating camel milk for her son in 2005, increasing evidence of its usefulness as an autism dietary intervention and scientific properties for diseases like diabetes, food allergies and more have emerged. Camel milk is a non-invasive, natural and accessible dietary intervention that appeals to families. Camel milk has become a global parent portal to autism treatment and awareness, as families in the early stages of autism read Adamsâ�?�? publications online and connect to her seeking help. The author guides families to resources such as ABA, speech, OT, medical care and parental connections, as seen in UAE, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia and USA (plus Somali and Gypsy communities in the US). The authorâ�?�?s professional publications have inspired the camel milk industry in several countries, creating job growth; a positive and engaging blend of science, unique story and inspiration. The power of positive global change plus parental education and intuition will be emphasized.

Biography :

Christina Adams is an award-winning Media Professional, Researcher, former National Public Radio Commentator and Author of “A Real Boy: A True Story of Autism, Early Intervention and Recovery” (Penguin). After an aerospace PR career, Christina turned to autism after her son was diagnosed, becoming an expert in behavioral, dietary and medical interventions. Finding herself a single mom, she imported frozen Bedouin camel milk with USDA permission and her son got better on it overnight. She’s written a medical journal article and consults with doctors and scientists. She’s created a global network of health-seeking families, farmers and camel professionals. Regarding her media coverage, Christina and her work have appeared in Global Advances in Health & Medicine, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, CHILD, NPR, GOOD, Web MD, The Kingsport Times-News, Orange County Register, Autism File, WebMD, National Public Television, Gulf News, Dubai One TV, Khaleej Times, KUCI, My Autistic Muslim Child & more.

