ISSN: 2375-4427
Sreedevi N
Case Report
Tongue Dynamics in Childhood Apraxia of Speech: A Case Study
Author(s): Irfana M and Sreedevi NIrfana M and Sreedevi N
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a subtype of speech sound disorder with unique features that include deficits in speech sound accuracy, prosody, coarticulatory transitions, and consistency on repeated attempts. Articulatory errors are abundant in apraxia such as articulatory groping, perseverative errors, and speech initiation difficulties. There are few studies conducted to see the articulatory pattern of CAS. Present study aimed to analyse the prime articulator, i.e. tongue dynamics in CAS in different place of articulation comparing with typically developing children. One child with CAS and one typically developing age matched control subject were participated in the study. The test material consisted of three meaningful words consisting stops in three different places of articulation including dental /t?/, retroflex/?/ and velar /k/. The instrument Mindray ultrasound 6600 wit.. View More»