Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9554

+44 1478 350008

Raimunda Nonata Ribeiro Sampaio

Raimunda Nonata Ribeiro Sampaio

Department of Medicine

Raimunda Nonata Ribeiro Sampaio Graduated in Medical School, Federal University of Maranhão (1970), medical residency in Dermatology at the Hospital of the State Servers, Rio de Janeiro (1972), Master of Medicine (Dermatology) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1984) and Ph.D. Medicine (Clinical and Surgical Dermatology) at the Federal University of São Paulo (1993). He participated in Committees of Experts in Leishmaniasis WHO. It was WHO consultant in Parasitology. It currently serves on the Advisory Technical Committee of Visceral Leishmaniasis and American Tegumenentar the Ministry of Health. He delivered, as invited lectures in several international congresses and meetings. Holder is currently professor at the University of Brasilia. He has experience in the area of ​​medicine, focusing on dermatology, acting on the themes: American cutaneous leishmaniasis epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical treatment, experimental, resistance to treatment.
Research Interest
​​medicine, focusing on dermatology, acting on the themes: American cutaneous leishmaniasis epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical treatment, experimental, resistance to treatment.

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