ISSN: 2167-7700
Gordon Rustin
Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Middlesex, UK
Gordon Rustin is currently working as professor and director of Medical oncology Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Hillingdon UK. Gordon Rustin qualified from the Middlesex Hospital, London in 1971. He was appointed Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology at the Charing Cross Hospital in 1984, but moved full-time to Mount Vernon Hospital to become Director of Medical Oncology in 1995. He was awarded an Honorary Professorship by UCL in 2001 and visiting Professorship by University of Hertfordshire in 2006. He has published widely on management of gynaecological cancers and germ cell tumours, the use of tumour markers, especially CA 125, and on phase I, II and III trials. His definitions using CA 125 to define response and progression of ovarian carcinoma are internationally known as the “Rustin criteria”. He gave the number 1 plenary lecture at the 2009 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical oncology, presenting the results of the MRC OVO5 / EORTC 55955 trial. As chief investigator of the phase I trials of DMXAA, CA4P and OXI4503 he has developed a unique experience of running trials of vascular disruptive agents (VDAs). He has led the world in introducing functional imaging into determining the activity of VDAs. For 5 years until 2008 he was chairman of the ovarian cancer sub group of the NCRI gynaecological clinical studies group.
Medical Oncology, Gynaecological Cancer, Testis Cancer, new drug development, Oncology