Immunome Research

Immunome Research
Open Access

ISSN: 1745-7580


Elena Ufimtseva

Elena Ufimtseva
the Research Institute of Biochemistry,
2 Timakova street, Novosibirsk 630117

  • Research Article
    The Control of Apoptotic Death in the Cells of Granulomatous Inflammatory Lesions from Mice with Latent Tuberculous Infection in the Ex Vivo Model
    Author(s): Elena UfimtsevaElena Ufimtseva

    Since different specific cellular responses to latent chronic and acute BCG infection in mouse cells were determined, the our aim was to analyze granulomas isolated from the lungs, spleens and bone marrow of Balb/c mice with latent BCG infection for the presence of inducers and markers of apoptotic cell death. In granuloma cells with increased levels of the inducer of apoptosis TNFα, proapoptotic proteins Вах and Ваd, death receptor Fas/ CD95 and scavenge receptor CD36, we did not observe P53 stabilization or caspase-3 activation in the cytoplasm or nuclei of macrophages and dendritic cells, irrespective of the presence or absence of acid-fast BCG mycobacteria in them. The survival receptor CD30 was detected on the cell membranes of only few granuloma macrophages. However, at later times of tuberculous infection in mice, virtually all macrophages and.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/1745-7580.10000128

    Abstract PDF

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