ISSN: 2161-1149 (Printed)
Charles Kallick
Charles Kallick
Cook County hospital
Charles Kallick completed his MD at the University of Illinois College of medicine Chicago Illinois in 1954. He served as the chairman of the division of infectious disease at cook County hospital, in Chicago Illinois for 20 years until 1993. Since that time Kallick has devoted his research efforts in collaboration with various individuals skilled in molecular microbiology, and laboratories which served diagnostic purposes for the finding of small numbers of bacterial DNA in clinical specimens.His most important publication document is the one published by the Journal of Medical Hypotheses in 2011, November. One other requested paper is in press, under the title diabetic retinopathy. The medical hypothesis paper, places the entire 40+ years of research study of the Ehrlichia, and their Association with a large number of diseases now considered of unknown etiology. The basic pathogenesis as suggested in the paper is the peculiar parasitization of the Ehrlicia in their infection of the stem cell, and their well documented interference and disruption of transcription in cell division induced by the parasite intracellularly.
pathogenesis; infection of the stem cell