Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

+44 1300 500008

Transition policies towards a wood-based bioeconomy in Germany

Euro-Global Summit and Expo on Biomass

August 08-09, 2016 Birmingham, UK

Erik Gawel, Nina Hagemann, Grit Ludwig, Wolfgang Kock, Nadine Pannicke, Alexandra Purkus

Department of Economics, 2Department of Environmental and Planning Law
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH �?¢�?�?�?�? UFZ, Germany

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl

Abstract :

Based on a three-step analysis of the legal and socio-economic challenges of a wood-based bioeconomy in Germany, we present recommendations for the design of future transition policies. In a scenario analysis key influencing factors are identified and their systemic roles for the future development of the woodbased bioeconomy in Germany are specified. In a second step, the legal framework is analysed as a basis for discussing governance structures (third step). Four scenarios were set-up to describe possible futures of the wood-based bioeconomy in Germany in 2050, allowing to adjust business strategies and policy instruments. This analysis shows the range of existing policies for the bioeconomy and concludes that the overall effect is insufficient to initiate a path transition. However, politicians are presently not inclined to initiate real path changes due to high political costs. Rather they provide symbolic policy answers or limit themselves to support policies for research and development. A significant �?¢�?�?�?�?demand�?¢�?�?�? for a strong bioeconomy-oriented policy by consumers, producers or the electorate is also missing due to competing interests. Thus, a successful transition requires a twofold equilibrium: the economic sustainability equilibrium and a corresponding political equilibrium providing the corresponding transition policies. To overcome potential lock-in effects a critical threshold towards the bioeconomy needs to be crossed; afterwards, the transition process might be self-sustaining. Based on the positive analysis of both current bioeconomy policies and policy demand by bioeconomy actors in Germany, we elaborate recommendations how to develop appropriate transition policies.

Biography :

Erik Gawel is Full Professor of Economics, esp. Institutional Environmental Economics, and Director of the Institute for Infrastructure and Resources Management at Leipzig University, Head of the Department of Economics of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, and Publicly Certified Expert for Public Cost Accounting. He is member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts as well as member of the Environmental and Resource Economists Committee within the German Association of Economic and Social Sciences and serves on the editorial boards of several journals.

