
Abdel Ghaly
Dalhousie University, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Canada
Dr. Abdel Ghaly is a professor of Biological and Environmental Engineering in the Process Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering at Dalhousie University. Dr. Ghaly obtained B.Sc (1969) and MSc (1973) in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt and Ph.D (1982) in Environmental Engineering from McGill University, Canada. He worked as an assistant lecturer at Alexandria University, Egypt (1973-1974), Graduate Assistant/Special Lecturer at McGill University, Canada (1975-1979), Assistant Professor and Head of Departmental at University of Zambia, Zambia (1979-1982) and Professor, Director of International Programme and Director of Graduate Programs at Dalhousie University, Canada since 1982. He was a Visiting Professor at University of Guyana (Guyana), University of Trinidad (West Indies), University of Cairo (Egypt), University of Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone), University of Bogor (Indonesia), University of Oriento (Cuba), Utah State University (USA), University of Nigeria (Nigeria), University of Sana’a (Yemen), University of Agriculture (Slovak Republic), King Saud University (Saudi Arabia), King Monkut Institute of Technology (Thailand). Professor Ghaly established and directed several large international projects in developing courtiers (Zambia, Egypt, Nigeria, Guyana, Trinidad, Barbados, Antigua, Thailand and Sierra Leone), evaluated governmental policies and provided consulting services in several countries. He published over 240 referred journal papers in 42 international journals, 53 papers in refereed conference proceedings and 163 technical reports, and made 240 conference presentations. He supervised 47 MASc students, 26 PhD students and 73 undergraduate theses. He trained 14 Postdoctoral Fellows, hosted 24 Visiting Professors and employed 12 Scientists, 8 Technicians and 65 Co-op Students. Professor Ghaly is a member of 13 technical societies and 14 international organizations, served as editor and editor-in-chief for 14 international journals, organized 13 international conferences and chaired 39 conference sessions. He delivered 57 distinguished lectures and gave 43 scientific interviews to TV, radio and newspaper around the world. Professor Ghaly has received 22 international awards in recognition of his outstanding contribution to research and development worldwide. He is a Past President and a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Biological Engineering and Past Trustee and a Fellow of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Research Interest
Professor Ghaly specializes in the area of and the area of energy (including characterization of biomass, size reduction, agglomeration, production of biogas, bioethanol and biodiesel, gasification, fluidized bed hydrodynamic, modeling, energy management and development of energy technology), biotechnology (including microbial kinetics, production of high value molecules such as nutriceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and industrial chemicals from waste materials, process control and development of fermentation technology), the area of environmental engineering (including waste characterization, management and utilization, remediation of contaminated air, water and soil, environmental assessment and development of environmental technology), the area of industrial ecology (including eco-efficiency, zero emission, life cycle analysis, integrated industrial biosystems and sustainable development).

Gopal Nath Tiwari
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Prof. G. N. Tiwari received postgraduate and doctoral degrees in 1972 and 1976, respectively, from Banaras Hindu University. Since 1977 he has been actively involved in the teaching programmes at Centre for Energy Studies, IIT Delhi. He has guided over 55 Ph.D. students and published over 450 research papers in journals of international repute
Research Interest
His research interest lies in the field of Solar Energy Applications - solar distillation, water/air heating system, greenhouse technology for agriculture as well as for aquaculture, Earth to air heat exchanger, passive building design and hybrid photovoltaic thermal (HPVT) systems, climate change, energy security,Solar Thermal, Solar Photvoltaic systems, Building integrated PV systems (BIPVT), Renewable Energy Sources, Solar Distillation, Roof top PV syatems etc.

Emmanuel Echiegu
Department of Agricultural and Bioresouces Engineering
University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Dr. Emanuel Echiegu is a native of Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. He obtained a B.Sc. degree from the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) Ile-Ife, Nigeria in 1982, an M.Eng degree from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria in 1986 and a Ph.D from the then Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1992, all in Agricultural Engineering. He worked as Irrigation Engineer with Hadejia-Jamare Basin Development Authority in Kano, Nigeria (1082-1983), Graduate Assistant, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria (1983-1986), Assistant Lecturer, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria (1986-1987), Lecturer II, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria (1987-1992), Lecturer I, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria (1992-1994), Chief Engineer, World Bank, Enugu, Nigeria (1994-1996, Adjunct Lecturer, Enugu State University, Enugu, Nigeria (1995-1996), Acting Program Manager, Ebonyi State Agricultural Development Program, Ebonyi, Nigeria (1996-1997), Honorable Commission/State Minister of Agriculture, National Resources and Rural Development, Ebonyi, Nigeria (1997-1999), Program Manager, World Bank. Ebonyi, Nigeria (1999-2005), Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Ebonyi State University, Ebonyi, Nigeria (1999-2007), Honorable Commission/State Minister of Agriculture and Food, Ebonyi, Nigeria (2005-2007), Honorable Commission/State Minister of Agriculture, National Resources, Ebonyi, Nigeria (2005-2011) and Senior Lecturer, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria (1992-present), Dr. Echeigu is a registered Professional Engineer and a member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers and Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers. He has also held many senior public service appointments. And served as a team leader for many National and International Projects. He has published21 journal papers, 9 papers in conference proceedings, 2 book chapters, 5 technical reports and made 25 conference presentations
Research Interest
Dr. Echeigu specializes in the areas of Renewable Energy Applications in agriculture (including biomass and bioenergy engineering, agricultural waste management and utilization, biogas production, anaerobic fermentation kinetics), Solar Energy (including application in poultry production and crop drying) and Farm Structures (including planning and design of farm building and environmental quality control in livestock and poultry structures).

Mario Misale
University of Genoa, Energy and Environmental Conditioning, Italy
Prof. Mario Misale received his degree in mechanical engineering at University of Genoa, Italy, in 1981 informing the thesis "Influence of morphology and thermophysical properties of the surface on pool boiling process". Then he worked as development engineer at Ansaldo (Italy). In 1983 he becomes a full researcher at Energy and Environmental Conditioning Department of the University of Genoa and since 1992 he was associate professor and since 2004 is full professor of “Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer”. Since 2012 he is a member of Department of Mechanical Engineering (DIME) of University of Genoa.
Research Interest
Energy and Environmental Conditioning