The advantages of implementing the United Kingdom diabetic retino | 54065
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

The advantages of implementing the United Kingdom diabetic retinopathy screening model in Israel

2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision

September 26-28, 2016 Orlando, USA

Dharshana Ramanathan

Medway Maritime Hospital, UK

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Background: The screening programme in Israel is a structured programme whereby patients are referred to an ophthalmologist for retinopathy screening on an annual basis with follow up dependent on the presence or absence of retinopathy. Aim: Aim of this study is to compare the diabetic retinopathy screening programmes of Israel and the UK and identify features which could improve the delivery of the screening programme in Israel. Method: In order to compare the existing service with the diabetic retinopathy screening programme in the UK, an analysis of various published studies was carried out. Special focus was placed on the various methods of screening such as dilated and non-dilated digital fundus photography by trained technical staff and ophthalmoscopy by a physician or physician assistant. The sensitivity, specificity and cost-effectiveness of the various modalities were also studied. Results: In Israel, screening is performed by an ophthalmologist using pupil dilatation and direct ophthalmoscopy whereas in the UK, digital fundus photography with pupil dilatation is carried out by trained technicians. Sensitivity of direct ophthalmoscopy and digital photography at identifying retinopathy is 75 % and 80% respectively. Specificity is 98% for both. Cost of digital retinal photography with dilatation by technical staff is $295, direct fundoscopy by a physician assistant is $794. Conclusion: Introducing digital retinal screening would be cost-effective and would enable a larger proportion of the population to be covered by the screening programme. With diabetes on the rise, the number of eye fundus examinations necessary will also increase. Therefore, introducing a new screening programme in Israel now will satisfy future needs.

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