Retinal Stem Cells Reprogramming | 56904
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9570

Retinal Stem Cells Reprogramming

18th Joint event on European Ophthalmology Congress & Ocular Pharamacology

December 04-06, 2017 | Rome, Italy

Lombardi Massimo

Centro di Medicina Rigenerativa Oculistica, Italy

Keynote: J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Abstract :

Introduction: Using omotoxicological pharmaceuticals blend therapy through retrobulbar injections, author reports his experience derived from his first Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cells transplant (from hip) and implantation into retrobulbar fat of eye. To define new concept of â�?�?Informational Therapy for Regenerative Medicineâ�? using â�?�?systems of Reformattingâ�? pathological retina through â�?�?Therapeutic Regulationsâ�? of affected tissues of inner eye. According to my experience, from â�?�?informational point of viewâ�? pathology is due to: â�?�?several wrong informationâ�? about: physical/food/environmental and mental/psychological/bio-energetic levels (somatization). Therapies: 1) Allopathic: synthetic-chemical: â�?�?counteractsâ�? physiological defense mechanisms - functional deficiencies as inflammation, fever, immunodeficiency (who express pathology), trying to: inhibit, eliminate, replace, immunosuppress and poison. 2) Homeopathic: Omotoxicological â�?�? Biological: through â�?�?LowDoseâ�? Regulatory-Medicine with natural substances to â�?�?gradually - gentlyâ�? reverse diseased organs into normality. According to last, I directed my researches, to Reactivate Stem Cells. Consequently I did, 10 years ago, world's first transplantations of Autologous Stem Cells in patient's eyes affected by different Retinal-Uveal pathologies in Amadeus Krankenhaus Hospital, Cologne, Germany (for: X â�?�? Cell-Center). After some years, I devised and decided to use a completely different, minimally invasive Non-Surgical-Method through Stem Cells Reprogramming. Using this method, since 8 years in Italy, I do not reverse â�?�?drasticallyâ�? pathological processes, but â�?�?remodelâ�? physiological processes stimulating stem cells to resume their â�?�?Missionâ�? to repair, renew, replace sick cells, normalizing enzymatic, neurohormonal systems, which result â�?�?disoriented in partial functional blockâ�?. Therefore, disease is synonymous of Disorientation and Biological Functional Block. Stem cells, by nature, are designated to repair-heal all physiological structures. Materials & Method: Reprogramming stem cells to arrest disease and to heal, needs to establish a contact with stem cells through a â�?�?specific language for a correct information, normalizing Functional Disorientationâ�?. I have identified, in â�?�?biochemical languageâ�? available through Omotoxicological Cocktails, the correct answer to this need. Dosages - methods of transmission are similar to Normal Physiological Organism Function. Transmitting information, capable to Reorganize, Reactivate - Reset Stem Cell where they are located, (throughout body), activated through: First Principle, regulating cellular regeneration: â�?�?Trophic Inductionâ�?, ability of a substance to properly direct cellular regeneration towards diseased/damaged tissue through â�?�?informationâ�? provided by Organotherapy Messengers (â�?�?Porkâ�? purified extracts of tissues that exhibit more â�?�?affinitiesâ�? with human tissues), confirming homeopathic principle: â�?�?Similar Treatments for Similar Creaturesâ�?. Second principle, regulating cellular regeneration, also in case of shortage on the spot of stem cells: is â�?�?Positive Tropismâ�? that allows stem cells to reach targeted Organ or Tissue damaged, (though belonging to other cellular areas), led by a Rescue Program that spontaneously activates through bio-chemical mediators circulating in blood, lymph - intracellular liquid. Hence an Immune-Guided- Positive-Tropism from immune similarity of pork tissues to human guarantees efficacy of StemCells Regeneration in targettissues who need Reparation-Regeneration. Action of Organotherapy (nanograms) through: Bystander Reaction (Heine 1993 - Weiner, Mayer 1996) response to inflammatory reaction as: First Action, for pathological process, repairing mechanical, or chemical toxic damage. To activate Omotoxicological Cocktails is necessary: Succussion - Dynamization, shaking with sudden interruption 15-20 times. This phenomenon has been studied - confirmed by sophisticated studies (2011), by Nobel Prize Montaigner and Del Giudice's, published in Journal of Physics, after presentation at International Institute for Biophotonics (Neuss, Germany). To understand this phenomenon it's important to introduce concept of Water Memory - Clusters, minimal group of water molecules bounded, by hydrogen bonds, in pentagonal and more complex cage-shaped structures, containing infinitesimal solute trace, at greater dilutions, the Cluster remains without solute, while maintaining intact â�?�?even strengtheningâ�? its therapeutic efficacy, because information is still spread through water memory which retains information even if solute does not exist anymore. Water has active ice micro crystals circulating into the blood's fluids, at normal temperature, retaining Chemical Electromagnetic Information recorded (as Hard-Disk) on symmetric planes of ice micro crystals as in Silicon Microchips. Microcrystals exist in about +5 to +55 degrees centigrade. Biological life cease if body fluids freeze or overheat. Life is information set, as Database, on ice water microcrystalsâ�?�? symmetric planes as in Silicon Microchip and is propagated within precise temperature limits, death by total body fluids freezing would prevent water and clusters circulate, carry-transfer information. Opposite, overheating death by clusters and â�?�?ice water microcrystals meltingâ�? disappearing database-information. It's possible to survive after partial body freezing, (under peculiar circumstances), if microcrystals can circulate again reaching suitable temperature. However, it's impossible survive from bodyâ�?�?s fluids overheating beyond +55 degrees centigrade of internal body fluids, because microcrystals and information do not exist anymore. An experiment confirms how the information is driving force of all biological systems in nature, that I repeated several times many years ago with some plants. Two identical pots, with homogenous soil, one seed planted in each pot, from the same plant, identical weight, shape, size, color and equal exposure to light. In pot 1 Liquid Chlorophyll; in pot 2 â�?�?Water Informedâ�? of â�?�?Chlorophyllâ�? was used with Homeopathic Dilution - Dynamization, as standard Homeopathic solutions. Plant in vase 2 grew much faster - lush, than that in the 1. My Omotoxicological Cocktails by Retrobulbar Injective therapy directly put in the Retrobulbar Fat of Eye, plenty of stem cells, takes advantage of these Physicochemical and BioElectricMagnetic mechanisms using correct Natural Pharmacological Information, through principles of Trophic Induction - Positive Trophism generating Self-Healing, representing best potential healing solution without negatives collateral effects, respecting natural body physiology. Through retrobulbar area I have direct privileged communication with Brain - Rachis, favorable circumstance to overcome Blood-Brain and Spinal-Barrier, therefore, regenerative information will spread as waterfall to all body parts in need to receive reparative - regenerative stimulation. Results: I had positives results, also in other diseased organs - tissues that were not directly targeted to regenerative strategic therapy, cases of Hearing Impairment-Anosmia, completely healed while treating Retina-Optic Nerve. Once stem cells reactivate and regenerate not necessarily our â�?�?Specific and Targeted Activation Orderâ�? will reach â�?�?onlyâ�? programmed tissue/ organ, developing a second-involuntary-remedy for other organs/tissues, - however sick-, that we did not plan to cure, confirming that I was reactivating: totipotent stem cells. Conclusions: Finally, through my retrobulbar therapies, based on specific Omotoxicological Cocktails I demonstrated a new efficient - correct method of Regenerative Medicine through my analogue therapy, reaching relevant average positive results in 70% of uveitis, retinopathy, -maculopathy, also unexpected - foreseeable results useful for other affected organs-functions.

Biography :

Graduated in Medicine in 1973, specialized in Ophtalmology in 1977 University Researcher and Teacher at Rome and Chieti University 1974-1980 Pioneer in Refractive Surgery specialized in Moscow 1982 Ideated the first Cataract Extraction with no stitches 1982 Presentation at I.S.R.S. Atlanta Congress, as Course Director, of new Mini- Ark for Keratoconus micro surgery 1995 Pioneer in Excimer Laser Refractive Surgery, director of “First International Congress on Excimer-Laser Micro-Surgery” in Rome 1992 Ideated Asymmetric Radial Keratotomy for Keratoconus Correction ( A.R.K.) 1987 Ideated LASIK in 1990 ( pig eyes experimentation) Homotoxicology Specialization in 2007 Has performed the First Stem Cells Implant in the Eye in Colonia Germany in 15\2\ 2008 Has ideated and performed the First Regenerative Retrobulbar Injection with homotoxicology natural blend Regenerating Retinal Stem Cells in Maculopathy in 2010
