Translational Medicine

Translational Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1025

+44 1223 790975

Relevance of personalized medicine for developing countries

International Conference on Translational Medicine

September 17-19, 2012 Holiday Inn San Antonio, Texas, USA

George P. Patrinos and Konstantinos Mitropoulos

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Transl Med

Abstract :

The insulin resistance (IR) syndrome is an impairment of humoral regulation of fatty acid (FA) and glucose (GLU) metabolisms at phylogenetically different levels in vivo: at paracrine cell communities and at the total organism. We distinguish between exo- and endogenous IR syndromes. Exogenous IR syndrome involves physiological function of INS when it is �hampered� by impaired biological function of trophics, i.e., palmitic metabolism of fatty acids which are substrates for mitochondrial oxidation. Endogenous IR is incompliance of bioregulatory functions at the levels of a) the entire organism upon realization of the locomotion function and b) paracrine communities upon realization of the biological function of adaptation (maintenance of �purity� of the intercellular medium), biological reactions of inflammation and homeostasis. There are two types of endogenous IR syndrome. The first results from aphysiologically high dietary intake of exogenous palmitic saturated FA and the second is associated with dietary excess of carbohydrates and oleic metabolism of FA. The IR syndrome is an energy issue in vivo. Insulin primarily regulates FA metabolism and then metabolic conversions of GLU. Low-density lipoproteins are phylogenetically different and not functionally associated systems of cellular transport and intake of different FA.
