Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy

Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0277

+44 1478 350008

Pediatric epigenetics for systemic conditions associated with obstructive sleep apnea

2nd International Conference on Sleep Disorders, Medicine & Integrative Medicine

November 28-30, 2016 Atlanta, USA

G Dave Singh

G Dave Singh

Keynote: J Sleep Disord Ther

Abstract :

Pediatric cases of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are often treated differently from adult cases, as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or mandibular advancement devices (MADs) that are currently deployed for the management of mild, moderate and severe cases of adult OSA might not be appropriate for pediatric cases. Moreover, pediatric cases with OSA may often present differently and have other clinical conditions associated with OSA. For example, in contrast to adults with excessive daytime sleepiness, children with upper airway compromise and sleep disordered breathing may present with nocturnal enuresis, obesity, bruxism, recurrent otitis media, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dental malocclusions. Typically, children diagnosed with OSA are often treated with adeno-tonsillectomy. However, in this presentation, we test the hypothesis that pediatric OSA and other clinical issues including, nocturnal enuresis, obesity, bruxism, recurrent otitis media and malocclusion might benefit from a pediatric epigenetic approach for correction of the upper airway and sleep breathing disorders in children.

Biography :

Dave Singh is a US citizen who was born, educated and trained in England, UK. He holds three doctorates (from the universities of Newcastle, Bristol and Dundee, UK). He is a member of the World Association of Sleep Medicine and the World Federation of Orthodontists. He has about 200 publications in the medical, dental and orthodontic literature. Previously, he was Visiting Professor at the University of Michigan and the University of Hawaii, USA. In addition, at the Center of Craniofacial Disorders, UPR, he led a NIH-NIDCR funded program of research. Currently, he is the CEO of BioModeling Solutions, Inc, and holds several US and international patents.

