Autism-Open Access

Autism-Open Access
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ISSN: 2165-7890

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Commentary - (2021)Volume 11, Issue 2

The Autistic Brain

Thomas Lara*
*Correspondence: Thomas Lara, Department of Physical Medicine, Charite Medical University Berlin, Germany, Email:

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is complex. It refers to a host of compound neurodevelopment disorders, all of which are characterized by cyclic patterns of behavior and difficulties with public connection and communication. These symptoms, such as the incapability to make eye contact or to talk on feelings, the recurring phrases, or the too focused notice to firm objects or subjects, begin premature in childhood and persist to affect daily performance throughout the person’s life.

If we look to the brain for answers or diagnosis, we won’t inevitably find it. Imaging techniques let us to see differences that we can compute; but, it is not easy to tell an autistic brain from a brain with no ASD with adequate sensitivity and specificity to prognose, or even identify. Still, science has done many evaluation studies between ASD brains and brains not affected [1].

The Structure of the Brain Different

The brain is dividing into two halves or hemispheres. It is these two hemispheres that we get the idea of a left brain and a right brain. In actuality, our thoughts and cognitive processes spring back and forth among the two halves. “There’s a small bit of complexity in autism communicating among the left and right hemispheres in the brain. There are no tough connections between the two hemispheres”.

In latest years, science has initiate that the hemispheres of ASD brains have a little more balance than those of a normal brain. This small dissimilarity in asymmetry isn’t adequate to analysis ASD. And, precisely how the balance may play into autism’s qualities is still be researched. Some functions of the brain likely to be conquered, or to use the practical term lateralized, by a side of the brain. One example is talking and considerate.

Work Differently

The links within a brain carry it to life. And it’s the brain cells or neurons that proceed as the messengers. “When a brain cell is lively, it creates an electrical impulse and that is propagated to further cells in the brain. We feel that electrical action holds the base of thinking and behavior and how the brain functions”. Researchers obliquely calculate these electrical impulses by looking at how corresponding regions of the brain are. When regions are working jointly, have brain action at the same time. Functional connectivity is the dimension of how greatly two regions of the brain look to be corresponding or talking as one [2].

The connectivity issue

When comparing the practical connectivity of ASD brains and impassive brains, researchers see that there are several networks with minor connectivity, mainly in patterns where the space between brain regions is larger. For tasks that need to merge or incorporate information in various parts of the brain, like social function and compound motor tasks, persons with autism have further trouble [3].

Possible reasons

But these associations are just as good as the neurons transport the message during their cell bodies to other neurons. Neurotransmitters are those element messengers. “In modern years, special thought has been set to the connection among neurotoxic compounds, neurotransmitters, and ASD”. Neurotoxins are usual or imitation substances that control the performance of the nervous structure. “Prenatal or perinatal contact to these chemicals is supposed to affect brain maturity and thus has been anticipated as an etiological mechanism of autism. The mechanisms during which the neurotoxic compounds may source autism are still uncertain. One of the anticipated mechanisms is that neurotoxic compounds hold up with neurotransmitters.”


  1. Monireh M, Hamidreza P, Mehrdad R, Gregers W, Maryam A . Autistic-like behaviours and associated brain structural plasticity are modulated by oxytocin in maternally separated rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 2020;393(1).
  2. Alina S, Mentch J, Amanda JH , Caroline ER . Slower Binocular Rivalry in the Autistic Brain. Current Biology. 2020; 29(17):2948-2953.
  3. Philippe RM , Jeremy MB , Gregory LH . Functional brain connectivity in a rodent seizure model of autistic-like behavior. Epilepsy & Behavior.2019;95:87-94

Author Info

Thomas Lara*
Department of Physical Medicine, Charite Medical University Berlin, Germany

Citation: Lara T (2021) The Autistic Brain. Autism Open Access. doi:10.35248/2165-7890.21.11.276.

Received: 27-Jan-2021 Accepted: 17-Feb-2021 Published: 24-Feb-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2165-7890.21.11.276

Copyright: © 2021 Lara T. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
