Pediatrics & Therapeutics

Pediatrics & Therapeutics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0665

+44 1478 350008

Clinical image - (2016) Volume 6, Issue 1

One Redness in Newborn

Cátia Pereira1* and Ana Vaz2
1Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Santa Maria (CHLN), Lisbon Academic Medical Center, Portugal
2Department of Women and Child, Hospital de Cascais Dr. José de Almeida, Portugal
*Corresponding Author: Cátia Pereira, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Santa Maria (CHLN), Lisbon Academic Medical Center, 1649-035 Lisboa, Portugal, Tel: 351 217805000, Fax: 351 217805610 Email:

Clinical Image

A 6-day-old term girl was brought to the hospital due to a lump appearing in the back two days ago, without trauma history or fever. Physical examination revealed a violaceous indurated subcutaneous nodule. Laboratory investigation revealed normal calcium levels. Ultrasound showed increased thickness and echogenicity of the subcutaneous tissue and lipomatous edema. A diagnosis of subcutaneous fat necrosis was made. The lesion regressed gradually, without complications.


Figure 1: Subcutaneous nodule in the back.


Figure 2: Subcutaneous nodule in regression.

Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn is rare and affects fullterm newborns in the first weeks of life often following a traumatic delivery [1,2]. It is a panniculitis and presents mostly on the cheeks, buttocks, arms, thighs or back [1,3]. Hypercalcaemia, which may appear until six months after the skin lesion, is the most severe complication [4]. The majority of lesions resolve spontaneously and prognosis is generally good except for the cases of hypercalcaemia [1,4]. Accurate diagnosis allows early detection and treatment of complications.


  1. Canto-Costa MH, Simão SP, Maias BS, Victório RS (2003) HipercalcémiaSecundária À Necrose de TecidoAdiposoSubcutâneo. Arq Bras EndocrinolMetab 47: 198-202.
  2. Abadesso C, Cunha M, Almeida H, Carreiro H, Machado MC (2004) NecroseGorda do TecidoSubcutâneo do Recém-Nascido a Propósito de DoisCasosClínicos. ActaPediatr Port 35: 481-494.
  3. Lapa P, Campos J, Henriques R (2006) Casoclínico: Necrosegorda do tecidosubcutâneo do recém-nascido. SaúdeInfantil 28: 49-52.
Citation: Pereira C (2016) One Redness in Newborn. Pediatr Ther 6: i112.

Copyright: © 2016 Pereira C, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.