Translational Medicine

Translational Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-1025

+44 1223 790975

Hosam A Elbz

Hosam A Elbz

Hosam A Elbz
Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences
West Virginia University, USA


Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, 2011 West Virginia University Dissertation: Characterize the effects of cardiac glycosides on lung cancer cells, Chair: Cerasela Zoica Dinu, Ph.D. Committee: Yon Rojanasakul, Ph.D., Patrick Callery, Ph.D., Rae Matsumoto, Ph.D., and Linda Vona-Davis, Ph.D.

Research Interest

Examining the mechanism by which digitoxin promotes barrier functions in lung cancer cells and how this effect correlates with its anticancer effect.
Contributed to examining the mechanism by which digitoxin and synthetic monosaccharide analogs inhibit angiogenesis, using Western blot analysis, microarray, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Examined the mechanism by which digitoxin and synthetic monosaccharide analogs induce apoptosis, and inhibit cell cycle progression and cell viability in lung cancer cells.
Maintained and utilized human lung epithelial cell lines.
Performed cell viability assays, flow cytometry, Western blot analysis, and fluorescence staining to illustrate the cytotoxic effect of cardiac glycosides on lung cancer cells
Performed cytotoxicity and barrier functions studies using electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) technology, confocal microscopy, microarray, and Western blot analysis to illustrate the effect of digitoxin on barrier functions in lung cancer cells.
