ISSN: 2167-0374
Executive Editor
Lawrence P Rubin
Assistant professor, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology
USA Rubin is an assistant professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a faculty affiliate of the Center for International Strategy Technology, and Policy. His research interests include Middle East politics and international security with a specific focus on Islam and politics, Arab foreign policies, and nuclear proliferation. He has conducted research in Morocco, Egypt, Israel, the UAE, and Yemen. Rubin’s work has been published in International Studies Review, Middle East Policy, Terrorism and Political Violence, Contemporary Security Policy, and the Atlanta Journal Constitution. He is a co-editor and contributor to Terrorist Rehabilitation and Counter-Radicalisation: New Approaches to Counter-terrorism (Routledge 2011). Prior to coming to Georgia Tech, Rubin was a Research Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs with the Dubai Initiative in Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government (2009-2010) and was lecturer on the Robert and Myra Kraft chair in Arab politics at the Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University (2008-2009). Outside of Academia, he has held positions at the National Defense UniversityNear East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies and the RAND Corporation. Rubin serves as the Associate Editor for the journal Terrorism and Political Violence.Rubin received his PhD in Political Science from UCLA (2009) and earned degrees from University of Oxford, London School of Economics, and UC Berkeley. His research has been supported by the Project on Middle East Political Science, Hollings Center for International Dialogue, Institute of Global Cooperation and Conflict, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy, and the Dorot Foundation.
Middle East politics, international security.