Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
Open Access

ISSN: 1314-3344


Mohammad Hussein

Professor, Department of Science, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Iran

  • Short Communication   
    Short Communication Gallai graphs and AntiGallai Graphs
    Author(s): Mohammad Hussein

    The Gallai graph and therefore the anti-Gallai graph of a graph G have the perimeters of G as their vertices. 2 edges of G ar adjacent within the Gallai graph of G if they're incident however don't span a triangle in G; they're adjacent within the anti-Gallai graph of G if they span a triangle in G. during this paper we tend to show: The Four Color Theorem are often equivalently explicit in terms of anti-Gallai graphs; the issues of crucial the inner circle range, and therefore the chromatic range of a Gallai graph ar NP-complete. moreover, we tend to discuss the relation of Gallai graphs to the speculation of excellent graphs. A characterization of Gallai graphs and anti-Gallai graphs is additionally given [1]... View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/1314-3344.21.11.128

    Abstract HTML PDF
