ISSN: 2168-9857
Riadh Jouini
Case Report
Renal Cell Carcinoma in Children: About Two Case Report
Author(s): Hamdi Louati, Said Jlidi, Awatef Charieg, Wiem Hannechi, Yosra Ben Ahmed, Faouzi Nouira and Riadh JouiniHamdi Louati, Said Jlidi, Awatef Charieg, Wiem Hannechi, Yosra Ben Ahmed, Faouzi Nouira and Riadh Jouini
Introduction Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is extremely rare in children. Several factors could influence prognosis, including stage, grade, histology, symptomatic presentation, and performance status. Among these, tumor stage is the most important predictor of disease prognosis for RCC. We report our experience with two cases of children with renal cell carcinoma in children. Cases Case 1: A 13-year-old girl presented macroscopic hematuria after a right lumbar trauma. The renal ultrasonography and CT urography showed a very limited rounding medio renal mass. Fine needle renal aspiration objectified RCC. Patient underwent transabdominal radical nephrectomy. Histopathology revealed RCC grade 2 of Furhrman T1b N0 M0. The postoperative course was uneventful. Case 2: A 9-year-old girl presented macroscopic hematuria. The renal ultrasonography showed a horseshoe left kidney with limited round.. View More»