Journal of Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biol

Journal of Fertilization: In Vitro - IVF-Worldwide, Reproductive Medicine, Genetics & Stem Cell Biol
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4508

+44 1478 350008

Pasquale Patrizio

  • Editorial
    The Italian Experience of A Restrictive IVF Law: A Review
    Author(s): Paolo Emanuele Levi Setti and Pasquale PatrizioPaolo Emanuele Levi Setti and Pasquale Patrizio

    In March 2004 the Italian Parliament enacted a Law (Law 40/2004) establishing a long list of restrictions for ART procedures. The law articles were constructed around the assumption of considering the embryo as a human being, with the same or even more rights of the woman or the couple seeking treatment for their infertility-related childless. In detail, the Law obliged to use only 3 oocytes to be fertilised and all the resulting embryos had to be transferred. Embryo freezing as well as pre implantation screening (PGS) or diagnosis (PGD) and sperm or oocytes donation were forbidden. In May 2009 the Italian Constitutional Court was called to judge parts of the Law 40 and cancelled some of the restrictions since they violated women’s rights to have access to the best possible treatment with the lower health risks for both her and the future children. The Constitutional Court state.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2165-7491.1000e109

    Abstract PDF

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