Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

+44 1300 500008

Njoku MC

Njoku MC
Federal Polytechnic,
Nekede, P.M.B. 1036 Owerri, Imo-State

  • Research Article
    Characterization of Sky Conditions at Benin City and Owerri in Nigeria
    Author(s): Njoku MC, Ofong I, Ogueke NV and Anyanwu EENjoku MC, Ofong I, Ogueke NV and Anyanwu EE

    Characterization of sky conditions at Benin City and Owerri located in the south-south and south-east parts of Nigeria has been carried out using clearness index, diffuse ratio, diffuse coefficient and relative sunshine. An average yearly global solar radiation of 160.31 MJ/m2 and 168.35 MJ/m2 was calculated, with daily range of 17.44 MJ/m2 to 12.50 MJ/m2 and 16.15 to 12.94 MJ/m2 estimated at Benin City and Owerri, respectively. For both study locations, the months of December and January recorded the highest variability of global solar radiation, while the month of August recorded the lowest level of solar radiation. The monthly value of clearness index KT calculated for each study location indicates cloudy sky conditions devoid of clear days, though it also indicate the possibility of harvesting more .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2090-4541.1000270

    Abstract PDF

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