Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

+44 1223 790975

Erik Lykke Mortensen

Erik Lykke Mortensen

Mental Health Centre North of Zealand Hilleroed Denmark

Erik Lykke Mortensen is 60 years and took in 1974 the psychology degree at the University of Copenhagen. The past several years have Erik Lykke Mortensen worked in various positions at the University of Copenhagen, in the period 2003-2007 as head of the Department of Public Health and now as associate professor of medical psychology. Erik Lykke Mortensen's main area of ​​research is to describe and understand the differences in human development through the life cycle, including understanding the health effects of such differences. In 2002 he began a collaboration with Aarhus University and was assigned to lifestyle project at Nanea research group (North Atlantic Neuro-Epidemiology Alliances).
Research Interest

Cognitive Neuropsychology, Personality Assessment, Psychological Assessment, Psychiatry, Anxiety, Depression ,Neuropsychology, Personality, Psychopathology, Social Cognition and Schizophrenia

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