ISSN: 2090-4541
+44 1300 500008
Anita Kovač Kralj
2000 Maribor
Research Article
Estimating the Maximum Possible Correction Factor by Using the High Temperature Differences within Pinch Analysis as Obtained from Practical Experience
Author(s): Anita KovaÃÂ KraljAnita KovaÄ Kralj
Pinch analysis is a very useful method that can increase the energy efficiencies of individual chemical processes including simultaneous heat integration and process optimisation. Pinch analysis is based on constant heat capacity flow (CF) for each stream. In regard to greater temperature differences of more than 200 K, the heat capacity flow could be corrected using a quantified maximal possible correction factor (fcor) obtained from practical experience. This is because of certain determined changes in specific heat capacity (cp), as it is temperature dependent. The correction factor for heat capacity flow is calculated by determining the errors of specific heat capacities. This technique includes those specific heat capacity errors during significant temperature differences that cause errors regarding heat capacity flow. The correction factor could be.. View More»