Journal of Hotel and Business Management

Journal of Hotel and Business Management
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0286

+44 1478 350008


Kajalben Rajput*

This paper present an overview of different methods from past that have been used around the business to tackle the idea of improving business using and adopting various technology which are available to us now a days. Also will insights the future approach and innovative idea generation to enhance the management and better use of making a brave combination of analytical business approach and technological revolution toward the further time may be next 50 years or so. Moreover the evolution of potential, long-term impact of this extra ordinary but simple and useful principle and practices in an intellectual context where anti-realist ontologies and epistemologies have been dominant. Also, I will try to explain the several contribution factors as promoting innovation, research and development, recognizing the value of organizational innovation, managing innovations and technology, dynamics of latest innovation, direction to use all of them in potential and effective/profitable manner. Also try to emphasis on the current working areas in the same immerging field with in the public and private, small and large organizations. How this thing is actually impacting the current technological era for business and also what drastic impacts we can see in near future. In discussing high priority mitigation of business adopting technology as a key factor making more profit and valuable remarks on employee, labor, managers and business itself. Universal tendencies and temporal deviation from this change will lead to different performances that we already have in the place to use for.

Published Date: 2021-12-22; Received Date: 2021-12-02
