Anesthesia & Clinical Research

Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-6148

Jiapeng Huang

Jiapeng Huang
Jiapeng Huang Associate Clinical Professor University of Louisville USA  


Professor/Dr. Jiapeng Huang has received his medical degree from Beijing Medical University from 1992-1997 and his PhD in biochemistry from University for Southern California from 2002-2006. Currently, He is working as an attending physician anesthesiologist at Jewish Hospital, KentuckyOne Health, Louisville, KY and associate clinical professor at University of Louisville, KY. He has successfully completed his administrative responsibilities as Director of Anesthesia and Chairman in Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Jewish Hospital. Dr. Huang was elected as Vice President Medical Staff at Jewish Hospital and St. Mary’s Healthcare in 2013. He chaired and co-chaired multiple hospital and international organization committees. His research has included prostate cancer pathogenesis, clinical outcome research, cardiac anesthesiology and echocardiography. Based on this research and training he has received several awards and honors, such as: American Association Cancer Research award, Benjamin Rigor award and Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) Scholarship. He is serving as an editorial member of several reputed journals like: Journal of Anesthesia, Analgesia & Analgesic, International Journal of Biomedical Science and Bioinformatics, World Journal of Respirology, Open Journal of Anesthesiology, Clinical Medicine & Diagnostics and Journal of Spine; Expert Reviewers for journals like Molecular Biology, Austin Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia, HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care & Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research, Anesthesiology Research and Practice, Yonsei Medical Journal, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia and World Journal of Cardiology. He has authored 28 articles in renowned medical journals. He is a member of Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, American Society of Echocardiography, American Society of Anesthesiologists Chinese American Society of Anesthesiology Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists, Louisville Society of Anesthesiologists, International Chinese Academy of Anesthesiology. He has honored as Diplomate of both American Board of Anesthesiology and National Board of Echocardiography, Fellow of the American Society of Echocardiography, visiting professorship for Northwestern University, University of Rochester, Wayne State University, China Heart Congress and Chinese Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists meetings.

Research Interest

Prostate cancer pathogenesis, Clinical outcome research, Cardiac anesthesiology and Echocardiography
