Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

+44 1300 500008

The future of bioenergy in Turkey

5th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo

June 29-30, 2017 Madrid, Spain

Nedim Saracoglu

Bart�±n University, Turkey

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl

Abstract :

Green energy or green power is the generation of electricity from sources such as biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, hydraulic and sea energies that do not have harmful effects to the environment. Green energy sources have sustainable and secure characteristics beneficial to nature and economy. The interests in renewable energy sources increase steadily all over the world, since they are an alternative to fossil fuels. Turkey has rich renewable energy sources. The potentials of the main renewable energy sources of Turkey are 6015 TWh/year solar, 290 TWh/year wind, 216 TWh/year hydro, 197 TWh/year biomass and 35 TWh/year geothermal energy. Turkey aims at further increasing its use of hydro, wind, solar and biomass energy resources and Turkey has potential producing 30% of its electricity need from the renewables by 2023. Biomass is expected to play a crucial role in Turkey. Biomass is the major source of energy in rural Turkey. Biomass is used to meet a variety of energy needs, including generating electricity, heating homes, fueling vehicles and providing process heat for industrial facilities. Biomass potential includes wood, animal and plant wastes. Among the biomass energy sources, fuelwood seems to be the most interesting because its share of the total energy production of Turkey is high at 21%. The total biomass energy potential of Turkey is about 117 million tons and 32 Mtoe. The amount of usable biomass potential of Turkey is approximately 17 Mtoe. The electrical production from usable biomass has a net impact of 4.4 billion USD in personal and corporate income and represents more than 160,000 jobs. The first combined heat and power plant is using annually 60.000 ton wood and wood bark and producing 28 MWheat and 6 MWelectricity since 2008 at Caycuma Paper Factory in Turkey. Eight power plants are producing nearly 85 MW heat by using forest and agricultural wastes in a year. Pellet production plants are producing nearly 200.000 ton pellet in a year. Pellet production from wood- and agricultural wastes will play an important environmental role in Turkey too.

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