ISSN: 2155-9554
+44 1478 350008
De Rossi Fattaccioli
Per�?¹ Dermatology Society, Peru
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res
Chemical peeling is the most ancient procedure to remove and repair the photodamage effects (Ebers Papyrus). The newest with Erbium, Neodimiun YAG Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser (ultrapulsed, fractional & others) are being used for the same i.e., remove sun damage elastotic collagen on reticular dermis, atrophic basal-malphigi stratum and hyperkeratosis cornium stratum and production of the best neoCollagen. Phenol deep chemical peelings (Backer-Gordon, Litton, Fintzi and Hetter formulas) have been used and still are being using extensively for facial skin rejuvenation. I introduce a â�?�?newâ�? Personal Formulae (1986-2017) which use the Heat like penetration factor and Glycerine like buffer and booster at the same time in this formula. These studies have been done to compare the effects of the treatments using histologic views in different periods of time. Biopsies of facial skin treated on pre and retroauricular zone were maked: 24 hours after the application of a new adaptation of the Baker�?´s formula: DeRossi Fattaccioli`s formulae for deep chemical peeling. Areas near the first biopsies were biopsied after 12 hours, 24 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks, 2 and 3 months after; and 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 1 week, 1 year and 10 years after application of De Rossi Fattaccioli`s Phenol-Croton. Initial biopsies showed deep chemical peeling Phenol-Croton oil DeRossi Fattacioli`s formulae, have produced a thick zone of new collagen formation, and at 3 months comparatively with others formulae of deep chemical peeling with De Rossi Fattaccioli�?´s formula show a thicker and wide new collagen zone.
De Rossi Fattaccioli is the member of American Academy of Dermatology, International Society of Peeling (ISP), Argentina Dermatology Society, Cilad Coligeo Iberolatino Mericano of Dermatology, Peruvian Society of Dermatology. He is the Principal Professor of Dermatology National University of Tacna “Jorge Basadre Grossman” and University of Tacna. He is an ex-President of Peruvian Society of Dermatology.