Should screening ultrasound of central nervous system and abdomen | 18285
Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access

Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2572-0775

Should screening ultrasound of central nervous system and abdomen in infants ≥35th weeks of pregnancy be recommended?

13th European Pediatrics & Pediatric Neurology Conference

August 31-September 02, 2017 | Prague, Czech Republic

Pawel Galecki and Maria Katarzyna Borszewska-Kornacka

Institutions of Marshal J�?³zef Pi�?�?sudski, Poland
Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Poland

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clin Pediatr

Abstract :

Ultra-sonography of newborns, born long before term and newborns with extremely low birth weight or other significant pathology has become a gold standard on the neonatal pathology units and NICU. It is a rather simple method and non-invasive; it does not bring the increased risk to the newborns, and is providing much information about the condition of the patient, the course of disease, the effectiveness of the treatment and further predictions. However, only 10â�?�?15% children are born below 35th week of pregnancy and are being hospitalized on the II and III degree of neonatal care units. It will leave the majority of children left without ultrasound diagnostics, because very few centres of first degree of neonatal care are conducting that kind of diagnostics apart from very rigorous recommendations, acknowledging that these children are â�?�?from the assumptionâ�? healthy. Perhaps, such an assumption is not fully correct and many children from so-called physiologic pregnancy are burdened with certain diseases, which could be to recognize and be possibly healed, if all children were examined. In this paper we have studied ultrasound examinations of the central nervous system and the abdominal cavity carried out on children born after 35th week of pregnancy at the Neonatal Unit of the Hospital in P�?�?o�?�?sk (first level of neonatal care) from 01.01.2014 to 02.12.2014.

Biography :

Pawe�?�? Ga�?�?ecki has completed his Medical Studies from Medical University of Warsaw. He is working at Neonatal Unit of P�?�?onsk Hospital. He has also cooperated with Neonatal Pathology Unit of Second Degree Referenced Hospital in Ciechanów, Poland. He usually deals with issues in the field of care of infant from physiological pregnancy and childbirth. As a result of his cooperation with the Clinic of Pathology and Intensive Care of the Newborn of Medical University of Warsaw there is significant existence of work on ultrasound in Neonatal Care of Physiological Infant.
