Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering

Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2168-9792


RAW car: Road, air, water car

3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

October 05-07, 2015 San Francisco, USA

J Arjun

Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng

Abstract :

RAW car means a car which moves on road, air, and water. This car is very useful for defense purpose and for the cops to catch the criminals. A criminal can escape by any way, by using any means of transport. So this car is useful to catch them. This car is made such that it can move from road to air, air to water, road to water, water to air, water to road, and air to road. Impact on society: This car will have a greater impact in the Defence field. RAW car can be used to help people who are stuck in regions where normal helicopters or cars cannot go. The car is of two different types: Type (1) consisting of a motor for both road and water motion and another motor for air motion; Type (2) consisting of a motor for all road, air, and water motion. In Type (1), the car normally looks like the other cars which we see on roads and has the same motion on road with the same engine but for the movement on water, I made some design changes to wheels so that it can float on water and have its motion. For flying in the air, I have arranged a quadcopter. In Type (2) car, I have arranged a quadcopter and made all the three motions with it. In practical, we can use the Type (1) car as it uses petrol (if made big), and white petrol to fly in necessary time. Coming to type 2, as I have already said that it totally runs with quadcopter, it uses white petrol to move. Keeping the cost into account, I have designed the Type (1) car.

Biography :

J Arjun completed his schooling at ‘Stanley Model School’ in year 2011. During schooling, he got a State Level Prize for his paper presentation. Now, he is doing his Graduation (Engineering) at Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology. He participated in National Level Competition IFAST-2015 and got National Award and Reward for his model RAW car.

