Palm oil extraction - Revolutionary technology | 55220
Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications

Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Open Access

ISSN: 2090-4541

Palm oil extraction - Revolutionary technology

4th Annual Congress and Expo on Biofuels and Bioenergy

April 27-28, 2017 Dubai, UAE

Jose Marques

IncBio, Portugal

Keynote: J Fundam Renewable Energy Appl

Abstract :

Oil extraction efficiency is the % of oil extracted from the total oil available in the total mass, of any feedstock. In the soybean oil industry, efficiency is approximately 95%. In the rapeseed industry, efficiency is approximately 98.5%. In the palm oil industry, efficiency is close to 50%. It is, without a question, the industry with the worst oil extraction efficiency of any oil industry, and it represents an unbelievable waste, which has taken a big toll on the environment. With the increase of demand of palm oil in the last decade, for many different industries, the industry has been focusing on plantations, cutting or burning tropical forests, to produce more palm oil. But efficiencies have only marginally increased. IncBio��?s technology has been under development for more than 5 years, and it has been industrially implemented for 2 years. After the first year of learning from issues that were not expected, the plant has been running for a year with and OER (Oil Extraction Rate) above 25%, when the national average for Malaysia is 20.1%. This represents an oil extraction efficiency of 62.5% or an increase of 25% over the current technology. While there are still a lot of possibilities for growth, this represents a major step in an industry that is known for hurting the environment. This can actually increase palm oil production by 25%, maintaining the same plantations, without cutting or burning any more trees.

Biography :

José Marques is the CEO at IncBio. After completing a course in Economics, in the Faculty of Economics, University of Porto, and working in two different sectors, he established IncBio. in 2006. Focusing on sustainability, his work has been mostly on recycled feedstock. To achieve the best results, he concentrated IncBio’s work in new technologies, using solid catalysts, dry wash resins, and mainly ultrasonic reactors.

