Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9554

+44 1478 350008

Melanoma in situ: Three clinical presentations

5th International Conference and Expo on Cosmetology, Trichology & Aesthetic Practices

April 25-27, 2016 Dubai, UAE

Vesna Mikulic

Belgrade University, Serbia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res

Abstract :

I present three different clinical presentations of melanoma in situ, all confirmed by Histopathology (HP): (1) 3 mm dark brown lesion on the lower leg of 20 year old female, clinicly non suspicious, looking like junctional mole, but dermoscopicaly had positive criteria for Melanoma; (2) 25 mm black lesion that lasted 2 years in pectoral region of the 45 year old mail, clinically suspicious leasion according to ABCDE criteria and diagnosis of melanoma was made even with naked eye. Dermoscopy confirmed it, but HP was not expected but rather much deeper melanoma; and (3) 6 mm multicoloured lesion in the back of 36 year old female, only 2 ABCDE criteria for malignant lesion. Dermoscopy confirmed positive criteria for melanoma. The clinical presentation of melanoma in situ can be various but mainly these lesions are not diagnosed easily since their clinical appearance do not meet ABCDE rules for malignant lesions. They are likely to be diagnosed by dermoscopy. Fitzpatrick type of skin, number of moles, melanoma in the family and sun-burning in childhood are to be taken in consideration as risk factors as well as several anamnestic features: enlargement of nevus, recent appearance, change of colour. Identification of individuals who may have a hereditary susceptibility for the development of melanoma is essential to provide an opportunity for primary prevention, and to target high-risk groups for early diagnosis and treatment. Necessity of dermoscopic examination of all, even non suspicious nevus in such group of patients is a must in order to make correct diagnose.

Biography :

Vesna Mikulic has completed her Medical Schooling, in 1991, in Belgrade University of Serbia. In 1997, she completed specialisation of Dermatovenerology, also in Belgrade University. She has vast expirience in out-patient work, for 18 years. She is EADV, IDS, EADO Member. She has published 15 papers in national and international journals, conducted 3 clinical researches and was one of the Authors of monography “Pruritus of the skin”.

