Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9554

+44 1478 350008

How to increase your E-Notoriety after a workshop of E-marketing for cosmetic physicians

5th International Conference and Expo on Cosmetology, Trichology & Aesthetic Practices

April 25-27, 2016 Dubai, UAE

Alain Tenenbaum

Swiss Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine, Switzerland

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Clin Exp Dermatol Res

Abstract :

Introduction: There are actually many congresses as workshops proposing to learn or update new as already known techniques, to increase your arsenal for proposing more to your patients. Also since social networks, chats have taken a big place in our daily life; patients do not speak between each other anymore to recommend a physician. They just chat on line and some of them (increasing number) use the net to diffuse a bad reputation to their physician, even if legal ways do not condemn the practitioner. What is forbidden in Europe? European Union as Switzerland has engaged too many burocrats (bourreaux-crats in French) to find in physicians websites all so called by them, illegal data, so that results are a penal law suit against the physician: a fine from 50.000 â�?¬-the immediate closure of the website. It is forbidden to insert any commercial name of medical devices or medicines on your website, to insert pictures of patients before and after, to make a promotion of off-label uses of a registered commercial product, in some countries to publish prices for some treatments. And you are also responsible of all contents with all links to other websites: this means that you should never make any links with commercial companies. To avoid problems: You should put your website outside the EU or Switzerland by choosing a domain which finishes by .com, .net, .info and .org for example choosing a hosting outside EU and Switzerland, preferentially in USA (internet freedom). In China, Internet freedom restrictions are worse than in EU: Facebook and Google cannot be reached. Proxys can be used at own-risks. Baidu (the Chinese, Google) selects in function of Chinese laws the websites according to Chinese laws to be referenced there. Which links not to do: To increase your website in the SEO (search engines optimization) correlated to your e-notoriety, never make links with websites from authorities (acting always against you), bad-ranked in search engines (if there is no reciprocity), commercial companies so called, ethical label which are private and even less ethical than your own website ! Which links to do to increase your e-notoriety and to push you up in SEO?- Recommended are to make links with yellow pages where your name is inside; scientific directories (high-ranked) and without commercial links with free registration and scientific societies with their members.

Biography :

Alain Tenenbaum (MD, PhD and DSc) has specialties in ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery- Paris, Aeronautic and Cosmonautic Medicine-Paris, Human Biology-Paris, Biological Physico Chemistry-Paris and Ex-Associated Prof. of Informatics-Nancy

