ISSN: 2574-0407
Mehmet Akgonul
University of Economics & Human Sciences, Warsaw
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Med Safe Glo Heal
Melissa offi cinalis L. (sweet balm, lemon balm) is a medical and aromatic plant which is a member of lamiaceae family. It is used for benefi t from it’s hypnotic, sedative and spasmolytic effects by people in traditional medicine15. It is mostly sold in combination with other herbs, such as Valeriana offi cinalis and especially used for their calming or sedative effects16. Some studies reported balm oil has anti-diabetic and antioxidant properties3. Although several reports have been published on Melissa offi cinalis, there is no reported information, to our knowledge, regarding the dependence effect of this plant. In this report, a case is discussed melissa offi cinalis’s dependency effect and deprivation symptoms after stop.
Mehmet Akgönül is from University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Department of Family Guidance,Warsaw, Poland